Really thanks my fren, Henry 4 those lovely sweet specially import from Hong Kong. He went to Hong Kong last 2 week ago but soo poor maybe he cant adapt with Hong Kong water n food, so he vomit n diarrhoea in the whole trip.. Sooo poor him nia... But even he sick, he still brought some souvenir 4 his fren. Actually he wan to buy others thing but since he sick n no mood to shopping, so he just brought sweet lor. So how was the sweet? Special leh? Haha. I havent try it :P Thanks my fren.......
19 comments: cute the packaging!!
Love those Hong Kong treats... These pictures remind me I need to travel some more...
wah...they look so cute..i meant the packaging..hehe..don't feel like tearing them apart and eat them..
the taste shd be very nice...
Nice wor! Looks so cute!!! Haha... Send some to us lar...
looks nice!
keep it! dun EAT ya..
they were brought back from japan, but why are they written in japanese? o.O
Frankly, I am not that keen on sweet, haha~
so nice of your friend to bring you so many goodies~ :)
Choyyin forever - Yup tat true... i still in dilemma on wanna ea tit it or nope.
Keith - Haha.... Enjoy ur trip
Jimmy Xiao Ti - Agree
Kikey - Dont know wor. No yet eat it...
Akira - haha...how2 send 2 u all leh
KunTong - Haha... scare it will expired lor :P
Calvin - Dont know wor cos my fren say he buy from Hong Kong lor :P
Sean - haha different ppl different taste :P
Mei-Wah - Si lor... He really nice, A fren where i share my happy n sad moment lor :P
Oh......pity ur fren ya. But the sweet got a lot of flavours and types ya......
i want with the Yakult packaging one!!!
i also want... seems like so delicious... yummy
har, kesian lar ur friend. I also just back from HK last month and i found HK food are really nice!! it's a pity your friend can't adapt!
Piggy - Yup pity him nia... i until nw still didnt eat tat sweet.... Too cute 2 eat it :P
Ah Hoon Jie Jie - Haha
Xiao Kia - Haha u really wan it? I still havent eat tat also cos too cute lor
Joyce - Thanks 4 visit my blog... Yup tooo poor he cant adapt lor
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